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Trigger Warning: Some readers may find this story disturbing. Reader consideration is advised.

Zoraya ter Beek, a 28-year-old Dutch woman, will undergo euthanasia in the Netherlands in May, due to severe mental health struggles. ter Beek, who is physically fit, has battled depression, autism and borderline personality disorder for years. According to reports, doctors have told Ter Beck that he has no other treatment options. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal in the Netherlands.

Ter Beck lives with her boyfriend, pet cats and “doesn’t have much of a family”. He told The Free Press in a text message: “I didn’t want to burden my partner with keeping the grave clean.” He added, “We haven’t picked out a pitcher yet, but this will be my new home!”

According to The Free Press report, Ter Beck recalled her psychiatrist telling her that they had tried everything, that “there’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never going to get better.” It seems that he decided to die then. “I was always very clear that if it wasn’t good, I couldn’t do it anymore.”

How to perform euthanasia

As The Free Press reports, explaining the process, Ter Beck said, “The doctor really takes his time. It’s not like they come in and say: Lie down! Most of the time it’s a cup of coffee first to calm the nerves and create a soft environment. Then He asks if I’m ready. I’ll take my place on the couch. He’ll ask again if I’m sure, and he’ll start the process and wish me a good trip. Or, in my case, a good night’s sleep, because if people say, ‘ Safe travels’ I hate that. I’m not going anywhere.”

The doctor will then administer a healing potion, followed by a potion that will stop Bick’s heart. The young woman admitted to being a little scared. “I’m a little afraid of dying, because it’s the ultimate unknown,” he was quoted as saying by the Free Press. “We really don’t know what’s next – or is there nothing? That’s the scary part.”
